You think you know me? Think again…
Who am I? Who are you? Who are any of us? This is the part where I’m supposed to tell you all about me. Add a bit of humanity to my site…well… as much as I would love to talk about myself, the truth is that I’m just a girl. A girl with a dream and a girl with means, humble means, but means nonetheless. So who am I you wonder? Well, I’m Gorgo. A name I chose myself. A name I chose because I felt more than anything it embodied the spirit of who I am.
So first what is Gorgo? Gorgo is the name of the Spartan queen and wife to Leonidas. She is one of few women actually documented in Greek history. She is, for all intents and purposes a bad ass. Now, let’s talk about Gorgons…gorgons are Greek mythical creatures, found in early Greek mythology. The most notable gorgon, Medusa. YES, MEDUSA! The Gorgons were known to turn anyone (read: man) in stone and were popular symbols of protection. So aside from being a bad ass with snakes for hair (like seriously, how did they even style those?), turning unworthy men into stone…they were also protectors. Yep, sign me up. GORGO ALLLLLLL DAY!
So if you want to know who I am, I am Gorgo and Gorgo is me.
Thanks for dropping in and I sincerely hope you enjoy my photos and travel (mis)adventures … oh the stories I have to tell … haha. Here's to hoping we can build a community around laughter, travel and fooooood. Anyways, keep in touch! – xoxo
You are welcome to keep coming back here to see new content. However, I'm always active on social media!
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